Tag Archives: product review

30 Day Skinade Challenge – Love the Skin You’re In

When the multi-award winning skincare collagen drink brand, Skinade, reached out to me to see if I was interested in trying a 30 day trial of their product, I thought how much more fun and better to track “real” results, if I was able to do a challenge with a few of my clients.  I pitched my idea back to the company, and as a result they agreed to partner with me and sponsor the challenge!  This article provides an in-depth review of our Skinade experience.

Four very different women, of different ages, with different skin care goals and desired results.

I first learned about Skinade during a special Mask-querade media event hosted by Argentta Spa at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC back in October.  What is Skinade? Skinade is a once daily collagen drink that improves skin from within. Skinade boosts​ the body’s natural production of collagen in as little as 30 days. Our body’s production of collagen decreases as we grow older, and can be depleted through environmental and biochemical changes.  Beyond, anti-aging and overall skin appearance there are so many other amazing benefits to taking collagen:

  • Trigger​s the body’s production of hyaluronic acid to leave skin hydrated, plump, smooth, and glowing.
  • Strengthens​ hair​, nails and teeth​​ (reduces inflammation of the gums as well).​
  • H​elps ​to ​reduce the appearance of cellulite, can help with other skin conditions as well such as acne and eczema
  • R​educes joint pain
  • Boosts metabolism, muscle mass, energy output
  • Improves liver health

I chose the month of love, February, to kick off a challenge that embraced LOVING THE SKIN YOU’RE IN – STARTING WITH BETTER SKIN FROM WITHIN!  On February 14th, a total of four (4) participants (including myself) committed to the 30 day challenge.  Four very different women, of different ages, with different skin care goals and desired results. Each participant was given a 30 day supply of Skinade (20 days worth of ready-mixed 5 FL OZ bottles and 10 days worth of 0.5 FL OZ travel sachets), and we all took no filter, no make-up selfies on Day 1, so that we could monitor any progress over the 30 day timeframe.

“I would like to take this challenge hoping to find a product that will improve my skin, especially my face. I hope the product will help me reduce the lines around my cheeks and the dark circles under my eyes.” – Renee

To support each other on our journey, I created a private Facebook messenger group chat, so that participants could communicate with each other about our skin goals, beauty rituals, and Skinade results throughout the process. Now, let me introduce the four participants, so that you can learn a little bit about their skin care goals before starting the 30 Day Skinade challenge.

The Challenge Participants*

Renee – Age 60 –  Biggest Skin Problem: Dark circles under the eyes.  “I have always had problems with my skin; breakouts all over my body which will leave  marks. I also suffer from dark circles around my eyes. I’ve used several products and spent hundreds of dollars. I have yet to find help other than concealer. I’ve seen several dermatologist receiving creams and medication that don’t work. I would like to take this challenge hoping to find  a product that will improve my skin especially my face. I hope the product will help me reduce the lines around my cheeks and the dark circles under my eyes.”

Anne – Age 43  – Biggest Skin Problem: Cellulite and usual age related changes.  “I’d like to do the challenge to see if I can improve my skin overall. Im especially interested in seeing if the skin on my belly and thighs improve or reduce the appearance of cellulite as well.  My goal is to just see any improvement in my skin overall. I don’t have any problems with wrinkles and stuff as of yet.”

India – Age 38 – Biggest Skin Problem:  Puffiness under eyes. “My puffiness/bags under eyes and hyperpigmentation in some areas on my face are my biggest skin challenges. Also, with the winter months, my skin seems dull, and I experience occasional redness under my nose. Otherwise my skin is pretty healthy and clear right now.  I’m hoping the product will bring some vibrancy back to my skin, and reduce the puffiness under my eyes”.

Erica – Age 32 – Biggest Skin Problem: Acne.  “I wanted to do the challenge because as a makeup artist I know your makeup is only as good as your natural skin. When the Spa Bunny introduced me to Skinade, I was happy to try it out as one of the perks was aiding in acne, which I suffer from often in my adult life. With other benefits such as energy boost and speeding my metabolism… This product falls right in line with my new lifestyle for working out. I will be adding Skincare to my daily routine before the gym in the mornings.”

*All ladies have natural nails and hair.  

The Commitment:  Use product for 30 consecutive days. No caffeine within an hour of taking Skinade. No major changes to your current beauty routines.
Copy of Bottle+Fruit hi res
Photo courtesy:  Skinade

The Drink:  You may be wondering, so what does a collagen drink taste like?  Skinade is flavored with natural peach and mangosteen, and does not contain gluten, dairy, lactose, bovine or porcine products, hormones, genetically modified organisms (gmos), artificial flavors or artificial colors.  What were the challenge participants first thoughts on the Skinade drink?

R: “The drink was refreshing, I liked the color.”

A: “I was glad it was more like a thin juice than a thick shake.”

I: “It tastes good chilled. I finished the bottle in no time and was still thirsty for more!” 

E: “Mine was slightly chilled but good to taste!!”  

Spa Bunny Skinade Tip #1:  When using the Skinade travel satchet (also in a liquid form), recycle by reusing an old Skinade bottle.  This helps you mix the contents with just the right amount of water.

The Results:  Challenge participants experienced at least one or more of the following results during the 30 day period.

Day 10 – Skin a bit more vibrant.

Day 20 – Nails growing, less visible bags under eyes, clearer and brighter skin.

Day 30 – Reduced appearance of cellulite, acne less visible, more energy, stronger nails, hair stronger and shinier.

Spa Bunny Skinade Tip #2: Incorporate dry brushing into your routine, it helps exfoliate the skin and reduces appearance of cellulite when done regularly. A great addition for improved results with your collagen shots.

Watch our 30 Day transformation and Skinade journey in the video below:

Post-Challenge Survey Results:




“Im especially interested in seeing if the skin on my belly and thighs improve or reduce the appearance of cellulite” – Anne

In a post-challenge survey, when asked if Skinade helped to improve any of the skin problems they identified during the challenge, each participant responded favorably that Skinade produced visible results in resolving some of their issues.  100 percent of participants indicated they would likely take Skinade in the future and would recommend the product to others.

“I can see the difference. We look more alive or something… I see the glow.” – Erica



“I admit I was skeptical at first, but definitely a product I can vouch for 100%.  I loved it so much, I’ve committed to another 30 days!” – India

The 30 Day Skinade Challenge was a huge success.  I admit, I was skeptical at first, but the product delivered on many of the benefits advertised, and all challenge participants were pleased with their results.  I loved it so much, that I’ve committed to another 30 days!

Want to try Skinade for yourself? Use code “confess10” at skinade.com and get 10 days free with your purchase of a 30 day Skinade regimen.  Offer good until the end of April 2018.


Article By:  India K. Robinson
“Confessions of a Spa Bunny”